Life After Loss

Working With You Through Grief

At Quinte Cremation & Burial Service, we speak with many people who experience grief following the death of a friend or family member. At such a time, it is important to understand that grief and feelings of loss are natural experiences. Grief does not come with a handbook; there are no rules for how you should feel or how long your feelings will last. Even the loss of someone who suffered a long-term illness may still feel shocking and unexpected.

As no two individuals are alike, all people experience this sense of loss in different ways. Just as the joys and memories you experienced with this person are uniquely yours, so too is the sorrow you feel following their departure. There is no science or language that can properly explain your feelings of sorrow. Therefore, there’s no reason to feel helpless if well-intended advice does not help you in your time of mourning.

Rest, proper nutrition and talking about your feelings will help you to gain a clearer understanding of your grief. By sharing your feelings with friends or family members, you may find some comfort in knowing your loved one is eternally present in the hearts and minds of others.

Though you can never expect your life to be the same after this loss, by moving through grief and cherishing fond memories, you may develop new goals and aspirations that will enhance the meaning of your own life.