What's Involved?

Most people do not know what to do when a death has occurred. We hope this area of our website will guide you in the right direction. We have provided step-by-step what is involved when planning a funeral. If you have any questions or would prefer to speak to someone directly, please contact us.

Planning a Funeral
We commonly tell families that 'pre-planning is smart.' If you want to know why, this page explains what is involved in pre-arrangement, the rewards of pre-planning, and what options are available.
A Death Has Occurred
It doesn't seem to matter how prepared we are - or aren't - a loved one's death often leaves us feeling numb and bewildered. If you're responsible for making the funeral arrangements or executing the will, shock and grief can be immobilizing. Even simple decisions can be overwhelming.
Meeting With The Funeral Home
Within the first 24 hours of a death occuring, you will need to meet with a funeral home to begin the final arrangements. This will be a difficult time for you and your loved ones. The funeral home staff will be there to guide you in making decisions and help make this difficult time a little bit easier.
Burial or Cremation?
The funeral is an important step toward healing, not only for yourself, but for everyone who is affected by the loss of your loved one. There are a number of things to consider when putting someone’s final arrangements in place.
Choosing the Products
Now that you have thought more about burial or cremation for your loved one, you will need to choose the products such as caskets, cremation containers, personalization pieces and memorialization products.
The Service Details
Now that you have thought about burial versus cremation for your loved one, it is time to think about what you would like the service to look like and represent.
After the Service
We offer support in our after care program to support the bereaved family in helping them complete pertinent documents and ensure their affairs are looked after. Our service does not end at the cemetery.